Let's see, other than that Isabella and I have been out to Josh's pool a few times to try to keep cool, we've gone to lunch with Christie and Madison, went downtown to take Scott out to lunch and we've spend A LOT of time indoors. Unfortunately, the weather forecast offers not a single glimpse of hope in the near future so we might have to get really creative about how to spend all of our time indoors without going totally crazy.
Now, there is one thing I am so very excited about. Back in February, Scott gave me a gift certificate for a 1/2 day spa visit for our 5-yr anniversary. I just recently panicked when I realized the certificate expires the end of this month so I went ahead and booked it for TODAY ~ 4 hours of a full-body massage, a pedicure, a manicure and a light lunch (which will probably consist of alfalfa sprouts in an extra light wheat pita - YUMMY!). Anyway, that's where I'll be headed in a little while and I can't wait. Say it with me: Inhale - Exhale - Smile - Repeat.
So on that note, I'll leave you with a picture of last week's birthday boy and the apple of his eye. Have a great weekend!