OK, first things first: we've been given a date for the big event ~ March 14, 2008. Gotta love the benefits of modern medicine. That means there are only 25 days to go. Only 25 days before Scott and I welcome our new miracle. Only 25 days before Isabella meets her sweet baby brother. Only 24 more days to wrap everything up around here. Only 19 days before the much anticipated arrival of my parents. But seriously, who's counting? Well,... I AM!
I am actually feeling pretty good with our progress. I am proud to report that Isabella is already settled in her big girl room and she absolutely loves it. She loves the fact that she is able to get in and out of bed on her own and she was more than happy to bequeath her crib to baby Sam.

Although her room is still a work in progress, she loves playing in there and drawing on her chalkboard (artwork courtesy of Miss Jessica, Isabella's beloved babysitter).

I still haven't put a lot of the artwork up on the walls, hung the window treatments, and I'm still looking for an over sized chair or a loveseat I can put in her room for reading books and cuddling before bedtime, but I'm in no hurry. I'll make sure to post pictures of the finished product later.
OK, so what else has been going on around here? My wonderful friend and neighbor Christie threw me a baby shower last week. Can I tell you how wonderful it was to just sit around and talk with a bunch of my girlfriends, just the girls? By the time I went home I had a headache from laughing so hard and so much. It was totally fun and energizing. Thanks Christie for such a fun shower!

Isabella had a great Valentine's Day. After a fun pizza party at school and way too much candy, she came home to bake cupcakes for her Daddy ~ which turned out beautiful and delicious.

Finally, Scott and I had a chance to get out this last weekend for dinner and a show with three other couples. After a delicious meal at
Spindini, we hopped on over to
The Orpheum to enjoy
The Wedding Singer. Scott and I are huge fans of the
movie and quote from it all the time. So much so that our friends were laughing at Scott when they heard him singing along to one of the songs during the show. If you like the movie, I would strongly recommend the play.
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