Friday night my mom kept the kids and Scott and I were giddy to get to the movies to see this:
Saturday involved putting the finishing touches on our brand new patio. Sing it with me people:
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Halle-lu-jah! It is done and it is awesome! We love that it looks very rustic and that it is so much bigger than what we previously had, but most of all we love that we did it ourselves. I'll post some pictures soon. Then we went to our friend Brooke's second birthday party at the Lictherman Nature Center. And after that my parents invited us over for a little swimming and dinner. Needless to say we were exhausted and pretty much crashed as soon as we got home.
On Sunday afternoon we celebrated my Dad's 60th birthday at our place. Lots of yummy food, good cake and great conversation.
Oh how I love our crazy family gatherings!
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