Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Me, Me, Me

Do not let the post title fool you,... 
It actually has absolutely nothing to do with moi. 
It is however, about a certain 2 year old who lives around these here parts 
and starts pretty much every single comment/sentence/statement with a
very adamant "ME!". 
As in....

Wow, Sam, those are some stinky feet!
"ME smell them, Mama! ME stinky!"


Sam, did you hit your sister?
Do we hit or push or bite? 
Then why did you hit her? 
"ME like to!"


Sam, did you eat another piece of candy?
"Yes, Mama!"
Why, Baby? I told you no more candy.
"ME want it! ME like candy"


I love fall!
"ME too!"
Look at all the beautiful colors, Sam.
"ME kee it, Mama"


Sam, please put your shirt back on!
"No ME know how, Mama!"


"Bye, Mama!"
Where are you going, Sam?
"ME go at gock!"


How are you, Baby?
"ME happy, Mama!"


Isabella: Sam, stop it!
"No ME Stop it!"
Isabella: Stop it, or I'm going to tell Mom.
"No, ME tell Mom!"
He immediately finds me at what I think might just be the best hiding spot ever
"Mama, ME took Bea's toy"
Why, Sam?
"ME like it!"

You gotta admit, his honesty is quite endearing...
and he is pretty darn cute!


Anonymous said...

LOVE THIS!!! He is such a ham!!!

Anonymous said...

hilarious! I guess it is a boys will be boys thing... It reminds me of Maelo so much! jiji

Krystle said...

Hahaha this cracked me up! Super cute!

alison said...

we should put sam and chan in a room together and watch the "me's" hit the fan! EVERTHING my boy says starts with "me me me" so i think they'd get along great ;)

Anonymous said...

Me like this! Me can't wait to see you, Bella, Sam Dog and Uncle Scottie!
Uncle Howie