... but the good news is I'm back! And it's June, which means it's my Birthday Month ~ woo
hoo! But first, let me catch you up on the end of May:
* Our trip to Indiana was phenomenal. Due to some scheduling conflicts, we had to postpone our Kentucky stop until a later date (hey Katie, have your people call my people), but the kids traveled like pros and we all made it there and back in one piece, well three, but you get the point. It was so great spending time with the Miller clan. We visited some parks, did some shopping, ate good food, drank good wine, and hung out quite a bit. I didn't really take a whole lot of pictures, but here's one of three very wet and cold kids having too good of a time to actually care:
Isabella, Jack (center) and Luke
Oh, and you know that saying: "Like a kid in a candy shop"? Well, I propose that in order for people to really understand the meaning of enthusiasm/excitement/eagerness behind it, the saying needs to get changed to : "Like Rachel in a chocolate shop".
Sorry Rach, I just couldn't resist. Oh yeah, that's a huge chocolate assortment she's surrounded by and it was out of this world. * Scott did a wonderful job with our wood floors. They look beautiful and I can already tell a difference with my allergies. Let's just say it's certainly motivated me to make some changes around our house.
* May included one trip to the ER for our baby boy Sam. One evening at around 11:00pm, out of nowhere, he woke up and started crying inconsolably for hours. And I'm not talking a whiny wimpy type cry, oh no, I'm talking "something REALLY hurts and you just ain't
fixin' it" kinda cry. Finally at about 1:30 am the after-hours nurse told us that because of his young age, we should take him to the ER to have him looked at. After being there for a while with him crying on and off, at about 3:30 am I finally swaddled him and he passed out instantly. The doctor looked at me like I was crazy since he was suddenly sleeping so peacefully. I tried to explain to him that he was probably exhausted from crying for 4 plus hours and that was probably the reason why he had "fallen asleep" (seriously, they can make you feel like such an idiot sometimes). Until this day, we have no idea what was wrong. Thank goodness everything checked out just fine, but needless to say that made for a very long and tiring next couple of days.
* I know I need to address the pink elephant in the room ~ I have not posted my after pictures of my
OPAM project because,... well, the truth is I haven't finished it. With a five day trip to Indiana, an ER visit, and well,... life happening all day every day, I just didn't make the time. Don't get me wrong ~ the bathroom is painted and all the blue painters tape is gone, but I still have to paint the cabinet and add the final decorative touches.
*I am not posting a
OPAM for the month of June because we will be baptizing our baby boy on June 28
th and I plan to do quite a few things to the house by then, since we are having some friends and family over to celebrate the special occasion. The one BIG thing I'd like to accomplish beforehand is painting our living room, which is no easy task due to the height of our two story walls. But after four years in this house, I finally found a color I really like and I'm ready to commit and make it happen. I do promise to post before and after pictures of everything I actually get done in June, including the May bathroom project.
OK, so right now I'm gearing up for my big day which I will be spending with my awesome hubby and some wonderful friends having dinner and going to enjoy a comedy show (not that my life isn't a crazy comedy act most days), and I am so looking forward to it.
Finally, I just have to share since she's done it again,... The very talented
Marci Lambert photographed my children recently and although most of you received an e-mail with the actual slide show, I will leave you with one of my favorites.

Man, she's good. I can't wait to have our family shoot with her this coming Fall.