Thursday, September 3, 2009


Yep, I've gotta admit today was a bit bittersweet for me. My baby girl started her 4 Year Old Preschool today. And it's not like I wasn't aware this day was coming, it's just that in times like these I can't help but wonder when exactly it was that she got so big.

She was beyond thrilled this morning. The Fours are the oldest kids in the program and they get to take real lunchboxes to school, which is a really big deal since none of the other age groups get to do it.

As you can see she picked an Ariel lunchbox.

Here she is striking a pose for her momma.
We got to school early enough to take some more pictures while we waited for them to open their doors. Isabella and Sam were quite affectionate towards each other, which of course melted my heart.
As soon as they opened the doors, we walked to her new classroom where Isabella found her name and immediately got situated. Sam absolutely loved that the chairs were just his size, so he decided to sit next to Isabella and start working on some kid's morning craft. I was of course too busy taking pictures to notice so one of the teachers had to rectify the situation. Oops!
Anyway, so we drop her off and then Sam and I head out to run some errands. OK, so can you say Happy Boy? It was almost as if he knew it was just the two of us for the next however many hours and that made him so happy.
One of my favorite moments of the day was when Sam and I went to pick Isabella up at school in the afternoon. Sam and Isabella were so excited to see each other and for about 20 minutes they talked and laughed and giggled and hugged. It was heaven! I won't get into what happened after those 20 minutes, but just know that for those 20 minutes all was well in our little world.