Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The perils of being the little brother...

...to an older sister.
Yes my dear friends, he is indeed wearing some frilly 4th of July headband his sister put on him first thing one morning.

On any given day Sam will come out of Isabella's room wearing anything from beads to bows to headbands. All courtesy of Isabella, the local stylist to the stars. Poor boy doesn't stand a chance.

I try to encourage her to dress and accessorize her dolls instead, only to be told they're not as much fun as Sam.

What can I say? She's got a point there!


Jessica said...

First you compare Sam to a monster in FB, and now this......what's next????
Dito........poor Sam
I'm still laughing!!!!!!!!!!
He's REALLY going to hate you for this in the future!!!

Liz said...

Hey, that's what he gets for being a terror these days :)

Anyway, the way I see it, he'll hate me even more when I show it to one of his girlfriends in the future.

Inset evil laugh here: Ha Ha Ha.