Sunday, May 10, 2009

So Blessed!

Have I told you lately how much I love my family? I do! I really, really do! Not a day goes by that I don't thank God for picking the people He did to be in my life.

Scott is an amazing man. A great husband. A wonderful father. A hard worker. My best friend. He is the love of my life.

The kids? Well, you know I could go on and on about those two for ever. They're the reason I started this blog in the first place.

These are the same people who went out of their way to make every second of today special for me. Scott made an awesome breakfast for us to enjoy before going to church this morning. Then they showered me with beautiful cards and awesome gifts. Without a doubt, my favorite gift was the one Isabella made for me at preschool.

OK, I'm not exactly sure I know what's going on with Isabella's smile here,...

It's a plate decorated with paint and her hand print in the middle. I love it! It's so sweet. And the fact that she was so very proud of it and couldn't wait for me to open it, made it even more special.

After presents we enjoyed lunch out and a trip to the local Art Museum. This was our first visit and Isabella really enjoyed it. Sam on the other hand was loud and bored and did not think that sitting in the stroller was in any way fun. Oh well, you can't win them all.

Anyway, we didn't take many pictures today, which is just fine by me, but from the ones we did take this is my absolute favorite:

I don't care that you can see the messy kitchen (It's just a nice reminder of our lovely breakfast).
I don't care that the photo is dark and off center (Who can focus on that with those gorgeous kids in it?).
I don't even care that you can see the big 'ol neon blue piece of gum in my mouth (Really nice, Liz. Seriously!).

All I know is that it's a picture of the three of us together and in it it is obvious that we are all happy and that these amazing kids made me a mama and that because of them, and Scott, I am so incredibly blessed!


Michelle said...

Sounds like a perfect day and you are so right that picture is PRICELESS and PERFECT!! I get it - any mom would - that's our world and you've deplicted it perfectly! Happy Mother's day!!